
Part Four: Details And New Paint Finalizes The TA:
Follow The Ending In This Installment !!
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As we left off, the Trans Am was already on the track in "test form" that being unpainted and looking the part of a machine in the making. Pretty much during the build, Shawn Zubler kept the color combination secret as to what the car would try and personify in its final looks. All of the family was involved in the final fit and finish as seen with Shawn and Jodi's daughter lending a hand in the sanding department.
As the rear of the car was finished with the wheel wells stretched and smoothed to glass like perfection, mot of the floor pans and carbon fiber parts were removed to make it easy to cover every possible square inch in gleaming Luzerne Blue basecoat / clear coat by Shawn’s uncle.
After the wet sanding stages, body fitment had begun to get all the panels aligned to their best as the doors, front end, hood and more are modified to fit the extreme differences that Outlaw 10.5 cars exhibit when complete for muffler outlets, and turning radius. Specifications are within 1 to 2 % +- of the original after all of this is completed as per rules at the time.
Finishing up the rebuild after stripping of the car down to paint, the complicated placement of the essentials again begins as if this was not only a race car but a show car in the making.
The custom fabricated rear spoiler was bolted into place, next came the much needed parachutes as this car will see most of its time running full quarter mile events.
At long last the car was finished and brought to the prime example of a Firebird raised from the ashes as GM had already stopped production of this model. Shawn brought back the memories of the ferocious Trans Am's of the early seventies adding the single white stripe down the complete center of the body mimicking the ruthless Super Duty's and HO 455's.
Shawns Trans Am now wears the striped badge of distinction that paved the way for some of the quickest Trans Am's of the muscle car era back to the future looking every bit like it was meant to be; had they continued in all their glory. The car is now ready for trips down the track and an excellent following of fans that enjoy the look of the stock body and paint schemes that show pure muscle.
View The Trans Am In Competition Throughout The Website Now That It's Finished !!
KOS Motorsports
Montana Brothers Race Cars
Kooks Custom Headers
Jet Hot
AJE Racing